Eye Health Central

Eyesight Problems

What is Astigmatism? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is Astigmatism? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

20 May 2024

Astigmatism remains one of the most common conditions optometrists treat on a daily basis. It's not surprising considering research suggests over 47 percent of UK eye care patients could now be considered astigmatic.

Looking at the image above with one eye, if some of the lines are darker than the others, you may have astigmatism. Read how to treat it...

What is Presbyopia? Causes and Treatment

What is Presbyopia? Causes and Treatment

20 May 2024

Presbyopia is an eye condition that makes it harder to focus on objects close to you. This usually happens within a few years of your fortieth birthday, but can happen at any point in your life.

Presbyopia is also known as age-related farsightedness or long-sightedness. Objects that are far away are easier to focus on, but objects closer to your eyes may become blurry or smeary.

Here we explain what presbyopia is, what causes it, and what treatments are available.

Dilated Pupils: What's Going On Behind Those Big Beautiful Eyes?

Dilated Pupils: What's Going On Behind Those Big Beautiful Eyes?

20 May 2024

I'm sure we've all noticed our pupils dilate on occasion, but have you ever wondered why, and whether or not it's serious? Let us explain why pupils dilate, and when you should be worried.

Eye shingles Explained

Eye shingles Explained

20 May 2024

Eye shingles, medically known as herpes zoster ophthalmicus, is a potentially serious condition that affects your eye and the surrounding skin. Here we discuss signs and symptoms and who can help.

What is Nearsighted or what is Myopic?

What is Nearsighted or what is Myopic?

20 May 2024

Myopia is more commonly known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness.

Myopia is a common eye condition which causes blurred vision at a distance, but clear, more focused vision up close.

Read more to find out the signs and causes of myopia , along with the treatments available.

A Comprehensive Guide to Cataracts in Dogs and Cats

A Comprehensive Guide to Cataracts in Dogs and Cats

20 May 2024

A cataract refers to an opacity or clouding of the lens and is something most people are aware of in humans, but did you know our pets can suffer from cataracts too. This condition in dogs or cats could range from no vision loss to complete blindness.

10 Ways to Avoid Dry Eyes

10 Ways to Avoid Dry Eyes

20 May 2024

Most of us will have suffered from dry eyes at some point in our lives.

What Are Retinal Migraines And Why Are They So Serious?

What Are Retinal Migraines And Why Are They So Serious?

20 May 2024

Retinal migraines are a type of migraine that affect the eye and can cause brief episodes of visual problems and even temporary blindness. These episodes can be frightening but are usually harmless. Find out more.