Biofinity Multifocal contacts represent a marked step forward in contact lens technology that has to be experienced to be believed.
Biofinity Multifocal contacts are made from CooperVision's Aquaform Comfort Science Technology. It’s a unique material that is highly breathable and moist. High levels of oxygen flow freely through these silicone hydrogel contacts, helping to keep your eyes clear, white and healthy looking.
CooperVision’s Balanced Progressive™ Technology helps to create a new generation of silicone hydrogel contacts, optimized for the best clarity of vision, whether you’re looking at something near, far, or in-between.
Biofinity Multifocal also offers two different optical designs – so you can have contacts that better suit your lifestyle. The D or Dominant optical design provides greater enhancement of distance vision, whereas the N or Non-dominant optical design, gives the wearer improved sight for objects that are near.
Biofinity Multifocal contact lenses provide comfort that won’t rinse off because there are no added surface treatments or wetting agents. Nothing comes between you and a comfortable, healthy, contacts-wearing experience. What’s more, the naturally wettable Biofinity lens material holds water within the contacts making them soft, moist and resistant to dehydration and protein deposits.
Biofinity Multifocal contacts are approved for 30 days of daily wear or up to six nights and seven days of extended wear† provided your Eye Doctor has approved then for overnight wear.
† Biofinity contacts are recommended for monthly replacement and are FDA approved for occasional overnight or up to 6 nights continuous wear under the guidance of your eye doctor.