Eye Health Central

Q & A

What is a Corneal Ulcer?

What is a Corneal Ulcer?

19 Feb 2024

What is a corneal Ulcer? If you're looking to learn more on corneal ulcers, we have all the information right here.

What is Snow Blindness?

What is Snow Blindness?

15 Feb 2024

Contrary to its name, snowblindness doesn't actually cause blindness, and it isn't strictly related to snow.

What is a Congenital Cataract?

What is a Congenital Cataract?

15 Feb 2024

Congenital cataracts are not very common and can be concerning when they're diagnosed. Luckily, there are plenty of corrective options to give your baby clear, crisp vision.

What is a Stye? symptoms and treatment

What is a Stye? symptoms and treatment

15 Feb 2024

A stye is a swollen and infected meibomian gland within either the upper or lower eyelid.

Meibomian gland normally secrete small amounts of an oily liquid that helps lubricate the surface of the eye, and prevent tears from evaporating too quickly. When these glands become clogged, they can fill with this fluid and become infected.

A stye is not very dissimilar to a common pimple, here we explain signs, symptoms and treatment.

What is a Chalazion?

What is a Chalazion?

15 Feb 2024

You may well have had a chalazion without knowing what it was called, a relatively small harmless, painless bump just inside the edge of either the upper or lower eyelid.

Most chalazia heal on there own but there are a few steps you can take to prevent them reoccurring.

What is a Black Eye?

What is a Black Eye?

15 Feb 2024

We have all seen someone with a black eye but have you ever wondered about the causes?

If you or someone you know has a black eye would you know whether to simply add a cold compress or seek medical advise?

Sometimes there's more to a black eye than meets the eye, find out more.

What is Pupillary Distance and how to Measure it

What is Pupillary Distance and how to Measure it

15 Feb 2024

If you want to buy glasses on line you will be asked to enter your pupillary distance (PD) you will probably ask yourself what is that, and why is it so important? Let us explain...