If you wear daily contacts you know how fresh they can feel first thing in the morning - but they don`t always stay that way as the day moves on.
Proclear 1 Day daily disposable contacts are designed to keep fresh throughout the day - by containing a unique material that is found in human tears. This material attracts and surrounds itself with water, keeping Proclear contacts moist and comfortable - even after 12 hours of wear.
Using CooperVisions' PC technology™ Proclear 1 Day contains phosphoryl choline (PC) molecules, which bind with water molecules in natural tears to form a protective “shield” of water around the lens.
This aspheric contact lens offers crisp clear vision throughout the day.
These the same as Specsavers dailies.
They are wonderful, they never dry up and you feel so fresh all day.
I work in a bakery which is hard for most contacts. These just keep going ...... If you have ever had dry cells on your eyes or just get red tried eyes try these.....